07. VCSA / VL1

A NOTE ABOUT THE Coupon Booklet for 2025.
The Coupon Booklet was PRINTED incorrectly as there is only 1 payment due this year. The booklet you received contains 2 coupons but ONLY the January coupon is needed. Please mail your check with the amount listed for January in the envelope provided to the Orlando address.
IF you did not get a coupon booklet please send in one check made out to VCSA (Vanderbilt Community Services Association) for the amount noted below:
VL1: $1345.00
Carmel/Bermuda Cays/ Bermuda Isles: $256.28
VL2: $216.40
Bermuda Gardens: $697.48
Please make sure your Vanderbilt Lakes address is on the check.
If you do not have the coupon booklet and want to pay now you can use the above info and then mail your check to Frankly Coastal/Collier Financial, 4985 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34113.
If you have ANY questions either contact Frankly Coastal (fparrish@franklycoastal.com) or one of the VCSA board members.
The Board apologizes for this error and inconvenience.
Thank you for your understanding.
PRESIDENT: Cindy Judar judarmail2@aol.com
VICE-PRESIDENT/SECRETARY: Meredith Menton vanderbiltlakes@gmail.com
TREASURER: Jim Harrison harrison@chemistry.msu.edu
DIRECTOR: Susan Gurevich lovingthelifeinswfl@gmail.com
DIRECTOR: Craig Parker cparker5o@gmail.com
ELECTIONS: No elections took place this year (2024) at the Feb 26 Members Meeting at the Shores as no one put forward their name except for Meredith Menton whose term was up. We look forward to an election or at least sufficient interest to keep the board filled next year.
For the 2025-26 year there will be THREE openings on the board as three members' terms expire. So please consider putting in your name for a board position. Paperwork is due in mid December. If interested in serving on the VCSA board please contact Frankly Coastal/Collier Financial at support@collierfinancial.net or by phone at 239-774-7088 ext 204
VL1 CAM: Frank Parrish fparrish@franklycoastal.com
Frankly Coastal Property Management/Collier Financial, Inc 4985 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34114 Tel: 239-774-7088 – EXT 2004
Visit www.franklycoastal.com/
NOTIFICATION FOR ALL OWNERS: If you have NOT signed and sent in a consent form to receive VCSA information via email the VCSA Board urges you to do so. If more people received the majority of information via email it would save the board money. We now pay the property management company for envelopes, copying, postage, and assembling any mailings. Since postage is currently $.71 for a regular envelope this adds up quickly. SO if you have internet access and an email address we would urge you to fill out this form and mail or attach to an email so as to help us keep mailing costs to a minimum. Thanks for your help with this!
NEW OWNERS: Please make sure you fill out this form at your closing or now if you have not yet done so. We need to have contact information for sending email updates about meetings, and life at Vanderbilt Lakes. Thanks for helping us keep in contact with you all!!
The board voted to make our payments to VCSA as one yearly payment starting in 2025 so you will only get 1 coupon to mail into Truist Bank.
If you have your payments taken out through ACH (auto withdrawal) please make sure you have enough money for the January payment. (See the 2025 approved budget for your amount.)
If you still need help with this process please do not hesitate to reach out to vanderbiltlakes53@gmail.com. I will do my best to walk you through it!!
Starting in January, 2022 HOA payments to VCSA were made using a coupon book from Truist Association Services. Each homeowner should be receiving a coupon book from Truist along with instructions in early January, 2023, but information is also available here. (Within this 9 page document there are live links to Truist which may help you understand this process more easily.)
Various Ways to Pay:
- You will be able to pay online by eCheck.
- You may pay by Credit Card. A convenience fee, however, will be charged for any Credit Card payments.
- You may also pay your HOA dues at a physical Truist location. The nearest branch for us is: 26731 S Tamiami Trail, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 which is approximately 1 1/2 miles north on 41 (turn right on Brighton Lane just past Highland Woods Blvd).
- You may also pay automatically with Association Pay (ACH) but you have to sign up for this.
- You may also use your banks Bill Pay feature to pay. (See page 3 for more information on how to do this.)
The payment date will be the 3rd day of January.
Fankly Coastal/Collier has switched to a new unit number system so the old Collier number you may know for your house/unit will no longer work. It should be on your coupon book or Collier will look it up for you.
It turns out you will see three numbers in your coupon book and on the Truist website:
- Bill Pay Number – this is a long number
- Serial Number – this will look like “900101”
- Unit Number – this is for VCSA . For example: “CAY-XXX” number
Do you have any money past due to VCSA? If so, then know that this amount will NOT be included in the amount shown in the coupon book. The coupon book only notes 1 annual payment due for the current year.
You can use the Truist website to make a one time payment for any arrearage using you coupon book numbers: Bill pay, serial number, and unit number that identify YOUR account so that YOU get credit for your payment. IF you pay via snail mail with a personal check please make it payable to VCSA and mail it to Frankly Coastal Property Management/Collier Financial, 4985 Tamiami Trail E, Naples, FL 34113. Be sure to show your full Vanderbilt Lakes address on the check, including any unit number.
You are still responsible for any previous balances not yet paid. Please send in those monies still owed to: Collier Financial, 4985 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34114. Make sure you include the new account number listed on your coupon book.
Do NOT send any extra correspondence with your coupons and checks to Truist. VCSA will NOT receive that information. It will be thrown away.
MEETING NOTICES: The annual members meeting is held each February and thus in January every owner receives a mailing with information as to when and where this meeting will be held along with a proxy form. In order to hold a members meeting a quorum must be present. In order to reach this quorum we ask that you complete the proxy form and mail to Frankly Coastal in the envelope provided or hand it to an board member. By reaching a quorum ahead of the meeting it ensures that the meeting will take place and that owners can participate.
At the end of every year the board is looking for board members as usually 2 board members have ended their 2-year term. If you are interested in volunteering and participating in the governing board for VCSA (92 homes plus all the multifamily units) please fill out a form!! If more than 2 people express interest, an election will take place.
The board is also often looking for members of the Architectural Review Board (3 members) and the newest board (3-5 members) which will meet when any single family home owner has an issue that is not resolved with conversation. We do not expect this committee to meet very often (and hopefully not at all except for perhaps one initial meeting to further explain the process). The ARB board consists of 3 members (2 from the 92 homes and 1 from the multifamily associations). If you are interested in serving on any of the VCSA boards let a VCSA board member or the property manager know.
1) VCSA Budget Workshop on Zoom on October 28, 2024 at 4 pm. Look for a Zoom invite on or about October 25. You will need to register to attend.
2) VCSA Budget Adoption Meeting on Zoom on November 18th, 2024 at 4 pm or at Collier Financial, 4985 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Fl. Emails and mailings with an agenda will go out 2 weeks before (somewhere around or before November 4th).
3) VCSA Annual Members Meeting Monday February 24, 2025 from 4-6 (sign in usually starts at 3) Proxy and meeting info will be mailed along with voting info if there is to be an election. This year there may some info that needs to be voted on so please look for your Annual Meeting mailing and follow all directions included within the mailing.
Note: We did not have a Zoom component in 2024 and have not yet determined if there will be a Zoom component to the 2025 annual meeting. Should you desire this option please reach out to a board member or the property manager.
This meeting will be held at Bonita Shores, 315 West Ave, Bonita Springs, FL 34134
VCSA APPROVED BUDGET: The approved budget for each year will be found here. 2022 approved budget. 2023 approved budget (Explanation as to how the assessment is determined.) 2024 approved budget. All current owners should have received a copy of the budget with the latest email sent December 7, 2023.
2025 approved budget. All current owners should be receiving a copy of the budget with an email that should go out by Thanksgiving or shortly thereafter.
VCSA END OF YEAR FINANCIALS: The EOY financial documents will be found here. 2021 EOY Financials.
The 2022 EOY financials will be found here: 2022 EOY Financials.
The 2023 EOY financials will be found here (at a later date) 2023 EOY Financials.
AMENDMENT 2021 (regarding elections)
AMENDMENTS 3-2024 (regarding annual/biannual payment options and realignment of documents in relation to mailboxes and streetlights)
NOTE REGARDING RESALE CAPITAL: The resale capital amount was increased by board vote on 12/5/2017. Single Family cost was increased from $1000 to $1500. Multi-family cost was increased from $500 to $750.
GATE CODE ENTRY AND SMARTPASS ENTRY INFORMATION: Click here to read more about how to best enter Vanderbilt Lakes.
One important note about the front gate entry: PLEASE do not cross the yellow line when you enter as you may inadvertently close the gate for someone coming in from the visitor's side. Thanks for paying attention to this.
FYI: There is a new system working at the gate related to Amazon deliveries. Amazon NO LONGER needs to have a gate code to deliver your packages. So take your gate code information out of the delivery instructions for your Amazon orders.
At the July 19, 2022 Board of Directors meeting on Zoom, a motion was made and approved to install street lights in place of mailboxes with lights. The streetlights were finally all installed during the summer of 2023 and look fabulous. To see the drawing* for placement of these lights click here.
(Some info we provided on the street lights: *Although the drawings show carriage lights “with side panels” the final fixture chosen has “no side panels”. That means that light will not be diffused in any direction other than down. Also, the pole height will be 15 feet per the final contract and not 21 feet as in the drawing. The poles in V2 are also 15 feet. See darksky.org regarding glare and residential lighting best practices.)
All mailboxes have been replaced now that the lights are installed. They look great but homeowners need to take care of them so they stay looking great. We were advised the best way to preserve their finish is by using a high quality car wax on them every few months to protect them from the elements. See a photo example below of the new mailboxes and how nice they look. If your mailbox is broken please contact
ASAP Mailbox and More at 877-272-7624 or at info@asapmailbox.com to have your mailbox repaired/replaced.

Find here a letter from the VCSA President regarding the decision to replace the 92 mailbox/lamppost combos with 18 streetlights from FPL.
VCSA RENTAL FORMS: If you are renting a home in Vanderbilt Lakes 1 you need to fill out this rental form prior to renting and submit to Frankly Coastal.
ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD: The Architectural Review Board consists of 3 members (2 from the 92 single family houses and 1 from the multi-families). They review applications submitted by owners who want to make exterior changes to their homes.
ARB Members: Lynda Giannetta Linda Komara Brieanna Rodgers
*****Please send all ARB documents to: info@franklycoastal.com If you have an old copy of the application please use this email address. The ARB application has been updated.
Please review the ARB/ARC process and the ARB Standards prior to any work being done.
Please fill out the following application if you are undertaking any changes and submit prior to your work. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW APPLICATION.
FINING COMMITTEE: (in process of being formed)
FLORIDA HOA STATUTES 2012 #720: To find out more about Florida's State Statues regarding Home Owner Associations check out this link.
FAST FACTS: for the 92 Single Family Homes. If you live in one of the 92 homes please review this living document (as it will change as it needs to). It hopefully will answer many questions you as a homeowner may have.
*** EVERYTHING GOES TO THE CURB FOR THURSDAY pickup. PUT your items out on WEDNESDAY after 4 pm as pickups usually COME EARLY!!!
RECYCLING/YARD WASTE: Lee County has much information on what is and is NOT recyclable. Please review so that you fill your recycling buckets accordingly. Recycling is picked up on THURSDAYS in the single family homes. Recycling can be placed at the street after 4 on Wednesday along with yard waste.
Check here for a list of many Lee County Recycling and Diversion Programs or how everyone can best recycle what they have.
Yard waste for the single family homes is also picked up on THURSDAYS. Please do not put out your yard waste or recycling until Wednesday at 4 pm. and follow these yardwaste guidelines.
TRASH: Please follow these trash pickup guidelines for pickup on THURSDAYS for the single family houses. Buckets should not be placed at the street until after 4 pm on Wednesday.
WATERING/IRRIGATION YEAR ROUND RESTRICTIONS: We adhere to the watering restrictions set by Lee County. No watering is to take place on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. To determine which days you can water see this link. Please check your timer to ensure you are watering per Lee County's directives. Also please be on the lookout for emails/notifications if these further restrictions are put in place due to a water shortage/drought.